Thursday, December 13, 2007


You know, I discovered something recently: when something is bothering me, talking about it really helps me understand my issue and clear my head. I also love to discuss different topics with people of varying opinions. So, I thought, why not do what everyone else seems to be doing and create a blog? I know a certain New England radio station DJ that does such a thing and actually reads his blogs on the air. It seemed like a good idea, so this is my test run. If my blog doesn't go so well, then at least I tried, didn't I? So now, let's get started:

I call this blog Human Mind: Most Dangerous Place on Earth, because, well, it's true. Imagine for a second this: what if you were able to take one physical person and place them in your mind? There are absolutely no limits to what you'd be able to do. You could put them through things that are absolutely insane and incredible. That person could become king of a new planet. Or, they could become the most infamous criminal in history. You'd decide their fate. Don't agree with me yet? Well, most humans are only operating at around 11% of brain use. What would happen if we used, say, 15%? It's an exciting and scary thought, isn't it? How about 20%? Hmm? What if we unlocked the ultimate secret to using the entire brain? Well, the first time we tried, our brains would probably catch on fire with the effort. I really don't know what would happen if humans used 90 to 100% of their brains, because only working at 11% isn't letting me create many theories. If our brains worked that well, then we'd think up millions of new colors. Right now, for about 10 seconds, I challenge you to invent a color that isn't too similar to any other color on earth.

Can't do it, can you? Thought not. But now I'm getting sidetracked. Those are my reasons that our minds are the most dangerous things on earth. I'm not saying agree with me, just giving you something to think of. And now, after that little intro, into the blog!

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